Definition of the Manufacturer’s Representative

We are known as manufacturers’ representatives (rep), also known as independent sales representative or sales agent. We dedicate to promote the selling of a out of the country manufacturer’s products to retail and wholesale customers located in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

When a manufacturer hires us to represent them, they authorize us to offer their products to customers located in our territory. The products are being ordered through the placement of an order which our office process with the supplier. We assist the customer’s decision with application catalogs and product samples, in order to convince the customer of the quality and application coverage.

All payments like deposits and balances are wire transferred directly to the supplier’s bank account. Our office will recommend responsible and highly experienced shipping and insurance companies, so the products arrived in good conditions at our customer’s warehouse.

Duties of the Manufacturer’s Representative

  • We are in charge of the sales generation of the products and services given by our supplier.
  • We introduce new products and new applications into the market.
  • We represent a variety of suppliers in order to service the different needs of our clients.
  • We attend and solve warranties regarding mistakes on delivery, measure or product quality defect, shortage and surplus, with the idea to keep the working relationship between the supplier and our customer.
  • We know very well about the automotive parts and accessories market because we have attended to conferences, conventions, auto trade shows, visit our supplier’s offices and manufacturing plants, in order to keep updated knowledge of new product and constant developments in the industry.
  • When a supplier wishes to get their product into a market but their product is not totally developed, meaning not known by the stores and their mechanic clients.
  • When the potential sales does not justify the use of direct sources, that is why it has better cost-effectiveness the fact to hire a sales agent.
  • We have a high level of knowledge in the products and services we offer, due to training and information received by suppliers and knowing the automotive market for more than 50 years.